Dear Baltimore City,
I was driving down North Ave. yesterday showing you off to an out of town guest. I was telling her about both your pain and your beauty. They mingle together on every street corner and city block. I know lately you’ve been given a bad wrap, an extra dose of political narrative, structured to manipulate the media, promote an agenda and give street cred to, well, to those who have a very limited perspective of you. I know you have rats. I can attest. I basically have 411 on speed dial scheduling rat abatement monthly in the warm, sweltering summer. But, we also have mice in the cupboard and our staff are blessed with roaches in their row home. I’ve wrestled with bed bugs that found a ride on the backpack of a middle schooler. But, isn’t this city life?
City life. You serve up a mix of diversity, tension, pain, life resuscitating hope and an honest picture of humanity. I am privileged to call you home.
My roots grow deep and find their start here both in the ovens at Bethlehem Steel as well as in the engineering of the 95 tunnel and 695 beltway. They also held a red pen that lined out the city and it’s housing deeds, making sure people of color never owned property in some of your neighborhoods. My husband’s family got their start right off the boat in Locust Point, as they made America their new home, changed their Jewish surname to one a bit more innocuous to avoid persecution and started a family on the east side. My identity was forged in the fires of this city.
My neighbors make up a micro picture of the rest of your neighborhoods. One family grew up off Reisterstown Rd. in the heart of the ghetto. They struggled to pull some money together to buy a house in my part of the city, a part that feels safer and nicer. We haven’t escaped your issues though. Just last Friday night I witnessed four prostitutes get into four cars in one fell swoop on my street corner as they were being monitored by their pimps. I’ve known some of these women and men by name and even fed them food over the years. Our other neighbors are from Ecuador. My son escorted their daughter to her quinceañera this past weekend. We attended and celebrated with them. The next day they bought my husband a birthday cake to celebrate him.
My kids have cut their teeth on keeping their eyes open for needles in the street while playing kick ball, being vigilant of their surroundings and learning, all too early, why there are teeny tiny ziploc bags found in our yard. They’ve witnessed third grade stabbings, middle school pregnancies and visited friends who survived suicide attempts. They’ve fed countless homeless people, made space in their rooms and sometimes given up their own bed, for asylum seekers and drug addicts. They know our door is always open to a stranger, but locked at night for protection. As they enter adulthood, they’re beginning to learn what a gift it is that they were a minority here. A gift most white kids will never know. They have cuts and scars to show for their life here in Baltimore but they also have a resilience that is afforded to your children.
Baltimore, I love the smell of fresh bread wafting from H&S Bakery in Fells Point, the smile of Ms. Brenda when I see her on the corner of 21st and Charles, the loud motors of the dirt bikes that hail the beginning of summer and the long lines for mushroom fritters under the 83. Your colorful murals are ever before me and I discover new ones on the daily. Turning on Washington, seeing neighbors on their stoop and folks out cleaning their cars, there’s familiarity on every corner. I just found out Jabreel got a house! He’s no longer on the street and his foot has been treated. He needs a bed, but we have an extra so we’ll get it to him later this week.
Thank you Baltimore for being my home, my family. Thank you for showing me what it means to have endless hope, tenacity to see the day through, faith to know that my neighbors can be family and for teaching me that truth is worth pursuing. You are honest. What you see is what you get. You don’t have any pretense, there’s no time for that kind of white wash. It’s refreshing!
I’m inviting some friends here next spring. I want them to get to know you the way that I know you. I know they will leave here changed, different. You have that effect on people. I know that they will feel what I feel, the rumbling under the soil of this city. It’s not the rumble of uprising, but of revival. All those seeds planted under the soil of this city, watered with our tears and whispered to, in our depression, are responding. The sun is coming out and the banks of our waterways about to overflow. I want them to take home the real story of Baltimore, to hear the real sound of life. I want them to go back to our sister cities armed with the truth, the truth that there is more to you than the current narrative.
Thank you for opening your arms to me and my family.
I sincerely love you,
Your daughter